Rihanna - We Found Love ft. Calvin Harris


Dont know why I like to turn on and on and on again this song !
I just like the music video, the disco beat, the sexual stuff that they do in the MV
I just love everything about this song !
Denger nada disko nya bener-bener serasa lagi clubbing, sumpaah !
Terus about the MV, they kissed, they fooling around, they make up ! Aaaah it soo teenager !
Bener-bener gambaran sepasang remaja yang ababil yang lagi jatuh cinta, lagi cari jati diri, never care about what will happen tomorrow !
DJ Calvin Harris really have do a good job, I feel like clubbing !
And also The part line of the lyric that is so me :

It's the way I'm feeling I just cant deny
But I've gotta let it go !

PS. I think the blonde boy on the MV look like Chris Brown, isn't he?
