What I've been missing
The moment when I realize what I've been missing so much lately. Yet it is the existance of a bestbro.
I remember, whenever I need a place to bitching about some bitch, talking pervert things, doing idiot stuff, I run to my bestbro.
Ngomongin cewe-cewe super nyebelin yang selalu bikin envy. It used to be Kapri Batara.
Ngomongin kecengan yang engga peka-peka lagi dideketin ama gue. It used to be Dhoyo, the honey bear
Ngomongin masalah pelajaran yang super duper rumit, merasa paling gooblok sekaligus paling pinter alias sotoy bareng. I run to si Menyai, Michael
Ngomongin filem absurd, efek filem absurd, akting artis absurd. I run to Tito Satya
Ngomongin bullshit, ngomong sampah, nge downgrade otak dengan omongan bermutu rendah. I had Lail, Jaka,Maudhy.
Ngomongin hal-hal mesum, body cewe, bokep seruan edisi asia-eropa-afrika-amerika,wkwkw, jalan ampe tengah malem tanpa takut entar dimesumin? Well, I shared it with Afis
But now I lost any of them. I am not losing them, anyway. It just, they just not in the way they used to be. They all growed up, and got busy with their own things. And also, they just so faraway. One thing, they will never know, that there is one little girl in here miss them so much, need them so much, want them back so much, cry for them, because this little girl doesnt grow up yet like they do. She still need them. She will and always need a bestbro.No,I mean a bunch of bestbros.
Di ITB gue sebenarnya udah menargetkan sasaran bestbro gue bakalan siapa .Tapi guess what? Not yet, ternyata masih belum, tebakan gue masih salah. Aaaaah :( Dan itu selalu alam yang terkesan sengaja banget berkonspirasinya ke gue. UNIVERSE conspire AGAINST ME ! *ketularan Ted* But I swear to god. , this shit going twice, TWICE DUDE ! Even for beginning in college? Hard! Still not that quite. I thought I already have one, and want to keep him. But I was wrong, he's going away :( Begitu juga ama satu orang, gue kira bisa dijadiin bestbro, eh gataunya. He's not that good and untrustworthy
Tapi well, perjalanan di ITB gue masih panjang. Baru aja TPB. Belum masuk himafi, belum ketemu ama cowo-cowo HIMAFI. Dan yah semoga diantara anak-anak HIMAFI, gue bisa nemuin bestbro gue lagi, tuhan :')
Ps. God, di ITB gue bisa gitu lagi ga ya :(