You do not need a smaller crown, You need a man with bigger hands.
Baru aja dengerin podcast di spotify, 30 days of lunch, daaan gue suka banget bisa mengetahui quotes (bahkan gue lagi cari bukunya juga). Kudu di post disini, biar selalu jadi pengingat ke diri gue yang terkadang kumat kalo watir apakah gue terlalu wanita dominan, wanita yang terlalu 'alpha', et cetera et cetera.
“Dear Woman,Sometimes you’ll just be too much woman.Too smart,Too beautiful,Too strong.Too much of something that makes a man feel like less of a man,Which will make you feel like you have to be less of a woman.The biggest mistake you can makeIs removing jewels from your crownTo make it easier for a man to carry.When this happens, I need you to understandYou do not need a smaller crown—You need a man with bigger hands.”―