#77 Speaking Part 2 : Describe an experience you had as a member of a team

What it was
Who were the members of the team
What role did you play in this team
And explain how you achieved your goals

Okay, I am going to talk about my experience when I was a  member in my company. So at that time, I carried out a research in natural resources field. My research was talked about the mining business process in Indonesia.

At that time, my project team was consisted of four persons. And the leader of the team was Mrs. Epakartika.  I think she was a very good leader and also she had amazing work systems. At that time, my role was a junior researcher, so my job desc was finding many datas that related in mining business process in Indonesia. For instance, I was looking for a data about the number of mining business entities in Indonesia.

How my member of team perform their works? So each week we conducted an weekly meeting, where in this meeting Miss Epakartika supervised our working progresses and also she would advise us about our working performance. I could clearly remember that she was amazed by my finding about how many enterprise in Indonesia that runned in mining industries.

My self correction :

  1. "member in my company". Ada dua kesalahan yakni my company mengindikasikan punya perusahaan wkwk. Mungkin lebih tepatnya adalah "my former company". Lalu preposisi untuk member yang tepat adalah "of" bukan "in". Jadi seharusnya member of my former company.
  2. "in natural resources field". Seharusnya ditambah article indefinitive "the". Jadi seharusnya adalah "in the natural resources field" 
  3. "carried out a research". Seharusnya tidak ada article....ini kenapa sih terbalik balik mulu, maunya "carried out research". Contoh : "Dr Carter is carrying out research on early Christian art."
    Research” and “data”
    In academic writing, research and data are two uncountable nouns that are notoriously difficult to use correctly. Never add s to pluralise research or data. (Note that the word researches is only correct when used as the third-person singular of the verb to research.)
    Research is normally uncountable; the plural countable form is rare and only used when it is necessary to distinguish between one or more sets of research. Consider the difference between “Research conducted at Oxford and Cambridge” and “Researches conducted at Oxford and Cambridge”; in the first case you do not know whether or not it is a joint research project, but in the second it is clear there are two separate research projects.
  4. "my research was talked about"....kenapa harus passive voice sih AZZAHWA ! wkwkw cukup active phrase dengan simple past...Jadi seharusnya adalah "my research talked about".
  5. "my project team was consisted"....ini juga kenapa harus passive voice lagi dan lagi T__T. Udah jelas jelas harusnya "my project team consisted of four persons."
  6. "was a very good leader", akan lebih baik jika diganti "an outstanding"/"an excellent"
  7. "my job desc" ...wkwk informal, jangan disingkat singkat ya. Jika lihat di kamus Cambridge : job description [noun countable] :a list of the responsibilities that you have and the duties that you are expected to perform in your work
  8. "many datas that related in mining business". Collocation preposition untuk kata kerja relate adalah "to"", bukan "in" yaa. PREP. to Our product needs an image that people can relate to.
  9.  "many datas that related in mining business". Data sudah bermakna plural, tidak perlu ditambahkan ekstra huruf 's'. Bentuk singular dari data adalah datum [noun Countable ] :
    a single piece of information
  10. "How my member of team perform their works". Ada 3 kesalahan yakni :
    1. Harusnya ditambahkan article indefinitive karena sifatnya spesifik. Jadi harusnya menjadi "How my member of the team performed their work?"
    2. Work sudah bermakna plural uncountable noun. Jadi tidak perlu ada ekstra huruf 's' dibelakang work. Contoh : I've got so much work to do.
    3. Kata kerja perform sudah seharusnya dikonjugasi menjadi past simple yakni performed
  11. "we conducted an weekly meeting". Artikel indefinitifnya harus "a" karena bukan vowel sounds. Harusnya menjadi "a weekly meeting"
  12. "supervised our working progresses". Tidak perlu ekstra huruf 's' yaa, karena progress adalah uncountble noun yang sudah bersifat plural. Contoh kalimat : 'I'm not making much progress with my Spanish.'
  13. "how many enterprise"....disini malah kelupaan nambahin ekstra huruf 's'. Udah jelas jelas menyebutkan many......
  14. "runned in mining industries". Konjugasi kata kerja runned yang tepat adalah "ran", dia termasuk irregular verbs.


Di topik ini, terlhat bahwa kesalahan yang sering terjadi berulang adalah "huruf s ekstra" tidak pada tempatnya dan juga penggunaan passive voice yang terlalu berlebihan. Semangaat !


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