"Segera mandi, basahin rambut, sapu kamar, lalu kerja"
"Kok kamu masih leyeh-leyeh? Baru bangun tidur ini?"
"Enggaak, ini emang lagi baringan aja."
"Kalo kerja dirumah tu. Ayo bangun, langsung mandi biar seger. Basahin rambut, bersihin tempat tidur, sapu kamar, lalu kerja."
"Wkwkw, iya udah mandi, udah bersihin kamar juga nih. Nih nih buktinya (ganti ke mode kamera depan HP)"
I was totally grateful to (still) have a privilege that I could call my granny every morning. Seeing her wrinkled eyes and her toothless smile. Thanks to her health, her relatives surrounding her, her exposure to this state-of-art tools, and her willingness to move into my mother's house that is situated in the central city.
It is quite funny though, she still can advise me how to manage my working life well despite her age. She is fully aware that working term nowadays has totally shifted from conservative term that requires you work 9-to-5 in the office to the term of staying at home with a cup of warm tea and your sleeping cat.
Thanks God and Thanks Sar, for keep yourself being sane during this pandemic.