Bangka Botanical Garden

I took that picture when I was visiting Bangka Botanical Garden with my School Science Club and other classes.
I dont know why, I just love this picture
Everybody looks too busy with theirself in there. See? Talking, Looking, Moaning, Bitching, Flirting....
And so I like the background, It seems that we are not in tropic land, Indonesia
but like somewhere like cold,humid TAIGA in north American *hha, You wish Sarah !!! XP*
Hey, surely someday I will go to that north american :P !
But otherwise I feel like the background like in kinda of supermall in chrismas moment :D
But really, I just fallin love with this pic :)) I know I'm not that pro's photographer, but just let me as I am
PS. I'll go to that North American, No matter when it will, syalalala~~~