New Places with New People

I miss my "jogja"

I miss all of best students in Honda

You know what?
What I love the most is,
going to some places that I never been
Meet new people that I never expected
Making friends with them
Sharing new things, languages, minds, story
Laughing, and then make some unforgettable memories
Then time and distance took us took apart

Yeah, i love going to place that I never know. Dear high school, I already gettin enough with my travel to outside of my region. Two times of experience, and I rejoice all of them

Sumpah, pengalaman ke luar daerah, ke nasional, ke jogja, and anywhere else itu pengalaman langka, yang ga semua orang bisa ngerasain dan ng-alaminnya. Udah kelas 3, dan saya rasa sudah cukup bagi saya. Saya sudah cukup puas, its time for you JUNIOR. Dari sekarang dan ke depannya, saya selalu janji untuk ga pernah nyia-nyian kesempatan buat ke luar daerah. Berteman dengan orang sebanyak-banyaknya, have fun all the time, and dont forget, flirting loving some cuttie for a while :p

PS. AAAAAAA, sarah ayoo , fokus kuliaah ayoo -..-
