Kaleidoskop 2012
"A kaleidoscope is a cylinder with mirrors containing loose, colored objects such as beads or pebbles and bits of glass. As the viewer looks into one end, light entering the other creates a colorful pattern, due to the reflection off of the mirrors. "
Hahaha, lagi mempersiapkan postingan yang bakalan me-review tahun 2012 saya secara penuh niih
2012 has been a tough year for me, but yes 2012 teach me a lot of things
Sebenarnya sih ini termasuk postingan yang bersifat private,personal,daan pribadi banget, dan bau-baunya sih bakal narsis postingannya, hahahaha
Jadi boleh dibbaca boleh engga, terus kalo abis dibaca pasti menimbulkan efek "apaan sihh, ga penting banget gue tau kehidupan elu"
well then...SCREW YOU, salah sendiri kepo dan baca blogs gua ! awkwkwk
Pokoknya saya mau posting tentang 2012 saya :) terserah mau jadi postingan kontroversial lagi atau enggak -_-
Ps. Thanks 2012 for being such a nice and unforgettable year ever