Orang Ketiga

Adam Levine cheated with his assistent 
in Lost Stars

Diane Argon cried when she knew she is not the only one 
in "I am not the only one"

Because sometimes, the most perfect relationship  you thought you ever had. will end up badly caused by Third Parties (baca : selingkuh). So do mine, I thought he were my right one but no he isn't. Until one day that girl coming to ours.

Hubungan dua orang aja udah cukup rumit dan ribet, gak usah lo tambahin ama orang ketiga biar makin rumit ya lain kali, buat lain kali loh ya :) btw, selamat berbahagia dengan yang baru.

Ps. untung aja belum ampe nikah, zet :) Allah emang maha sayang ama lo
