#03 Speaking Part 2 : Describe a bag you want to own

  What kind of bag it is

Where you want to buy it

How much it will cost you

Why you want this kind of bag

Well, actually I am not a big fan of bag. But, if I had a chance to have a bag in this world, I would say that I really want to have a Louis Vuitton bag. In fact, Louis Vuitton is a very popular brand all around the world.  First of all, because their design is very stunning. And also, because they already have a big reputation in the bag industry. I could say that, I really want to purchase a Louis Vuitton bag, especially the model of handbag where I could put all of my things there such as my smartphone, my lipstick and perhaps my book.

I think, Louis Vuitton is very expensive. And many people believe that the price of Louis Vuitton bag is sometimes irrational because it can cost you a fortune. For instance, a handbag that I want to buy , I guess the price is going to be for around 10 million rupiahs. It means that I have to save my one month salary in order to purchase this bag. In the future, I think if I had a chance to spend my summer vacation in Paris, I would buy a Louis Vuitton bag because actually Louis Vuitton is a Paris brand. So I guess it is going to be cheaper to buy this bag there.


My self-correction :

  1.  " I am not a big fan of bag" WKWWK maunya setelah kata a big fan of+kata benda plural. Jadi jangan lupa dikasih ekstra huruf s ya.
  2. "the price of Louis Vuitton bag is sometimes irrational" Ini tidak konsisten antara S-V agreement, maunya ada artikel indefinitif "a" sebelum kata benda "Louis Vuitton bag" menjadi : "
    the price of a Louis Vuitton bag"


Anonim mengatakan…
Haloo, kayanya gue telat bgt yah buat jadi pembaca blog dari someone like you di tahun 2021 which is vlog kaya menggantikan era dari blog saat ini.
But, gue suka banget sama cara penulisan lo.
Pertama ketarik ke blog ini juga karna tulisan ttg hanamasa.
Gue kira lo udah ga aktif blog karna tulisan ttg hanamasa itu udah dari tahun 2013 coy, gue masih smp kali 2013..
Yaudalah yaaa, terusin nulisnya.
Serius kalimat lo good vibes bgt
Sarah Azz mengatakan…
Hai ! Makasih banget atas komentarnya !
Iya nih, aku juga udah jarang banget nulis di blogs tentang pendapat atau pikiran yg sifatnya personal, sekarang isinya cuma berbagi pengalaman/user experiencce abis menggunakan jasa gitu haha.
Ya ampun 2013 masih SMP, 2021 udah 8 tahun berlalu artinya kuliah ya skrg wkwk.
Insya allah bakal tetep nulis di blogs ini wkwk ! Ditunggu yaa kedatangan dan komentar nya ! Bikin jadi semangat nulis lagi kalo nemu komen ginian.